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 The idea of this Faire is threefold; first is to give the people of the area something fun to do in the summer, second is bring attention to the artists of this area, and third to help out the Girls and Boys Clubs of the Piedmont .
All of our profits will go to them.

So do you want to know the TRUE story of the Langston's Jewel?

           Once upon a time in the year of our lord 1869, there lived a man named D.T. Langston who had spent most of his life in the service of Her Majesty Queen Victoria.  He had been all over the kingdom in support of Her policies and in her wars. After many years of service he decided he had had enough and he showed his discontent as only a proper gentleman would .... he went on holiday to the Greek Isles. 

 After taking in all the sights and traditional travels he found himself on a small isle with a temple to the Fates.  As he strolled along his thoughts again turned to the reason he had left England in the first place...why could not all man simply get over the foolishness of wars and live peacefully as we once had?  To find such a place would truly be a jewel in the Crown. Surely there was a common ground there somewhere.  Walking on, he absently picked up a stone and while deep in thought, placed it in a niche in the wall. Well it is said that the Fates watch us always and as he placed the stone, so was he being watched.


Soon he sat down to rest from his long walk and as he did the Fates too sat they spoke among themselves and the thread of his life was pulled out and measured. Since he BELIEVED that a place of peace existed they would send him there but it would not be as he believed it to be. He would be tested and his beliefs tried.

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